and Life on Earth" 1979-1982
In August 1979,
after the accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania,
the worst yet in the United States, 12 women from the northeastern
U.S. active in anti-nuclear, alternative energy, peace and women's
organizations held a special meeting. They discussed ecological
feminism, and the relationship between women and ecology, feminism
and non-violence. They decided to work together under the name
"Women and Life on Earth" and agreed on a Unity
The group organized "Women and Life on Earth: a conference
on eco-feminism in the '80's"
Held at the spring equinox of 1980, it brought together 600 women
from the northeastern U.S.
Maria Mies on the
1980 Women and Life on Earth conference and ecofeminism,
from her book with Vandana Shiva: Ecofeminism

The logo, women in the phases of the moon, was designed by artist
From the conference,
organizing began for the Women's
Pentagon Action. In
November 1980, 2,000 women encircled the Pentagon demanding "no
more amazing inventions for death."
Women and Life on Earth activities continued in the U.S. and Britain
for several years.
and Life on Earth" internet project, 1999
Two decades later, several women involved in the first WLOE joined
with others to launch a Women and Life on Earth internet project to
connect women internationally, share information and support changes
necessary to ensure life and peace with justice in the new millennium.
In August
1999 a first meeting was held in western Massachusetts, an international
board of advisors was formed, and the project was sponsored
by the A. J.
Muste Memorial Institute . The advisory board approved the
following goals:
We want:
to cut through the blockade of mainstream media using e-mail and internet,
as well as word of mouth and creative non-violent direct action;
to recognize and
promote the experience and knowledge of women and movements, locally
and world-wide, with a multi-lingual site and center for information,
analysis and actions on:
justice: countering the multiple assaults on women, children and the
elderly, along with environmental destruction;
supporting production for sustainability; safe food, air and water free
of chemical, genetic or atomic pollution;
preventing environmental disasters through renewable energy use, conservation
of energy and natural resources, sustainable transport, construction,
development and lifestyles;
opposing corporate control and cultural destruction world-wide. For
social and economic justice.
The war in Kosovo erupted soon afterwards, and the new network began
to function almost spontaneously. Messages and news from women and civil
society groups in Serbia and Kosovo, Europe and North America, were
shared world-wide.
In 2001 the project moved to Berlin, Germany with its coordinator Anna
Gyorgy. The 'war on terror' that followed the September 11, 2001 attacks
in the U.S., and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq gave further proof
of the need for international communication and solidarity for peace
with justice. As the Women and Life on Earth project grew, its volunteer
staff contributed to the world-wide movement for peace through communication
and translation of women's statements and actions.
E-newletters and alerts were sent to women and groups in
many countries. The website went on-line in February 2003, and development
continued in English, German, French and Spanish language sections by
volunteer editors and interns. As of mid-March 2006, the site had had
more than 380,000 visits, averaging more than 3,500 visits per week.
The German-based office is currently seeking funding to expand and promote
its work. You can
help too!
In September 2003
a German association was founded in Berlin: "Women and Life on
Earth: women for international cooperation for peace, ecology and social
justice e.V." The association, which was granted non-profit status
from January 2004, is supported by members and volunteers, individual
donations and project grants. The German association is currently coordinating
the website and international work out of an office in central Berlin.
It also organizes local programs and guest speakers.
Those of us working
on this site and growing network hope to connect and work with women
around the globe, under the motto borrowed from activist-writer Alice
Walker: "Anything We Love Can Be Saved."
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