for a letter campaign, from Women in Black in support of the Palestinian
village of Bil'in
Take action on the West
African Food Crisis
Oxfam, August 25, 2005: "More than 3.5 million people face a catastrophic
food shortage in Niger, the second-poorest country in the world. Insufficient
rain and locust infestations, combined with high food prices, have exacerbated
already chronic needs. Hunger haunts millions more across other West
African countries, including Mali, Mauritania, and Burkina Faso. The
crisis has forced some families to scavenge for whatever they can find
to eat—leaves, roots, and wild berries."
For more information on the West African Food Crisis, and to donate
on-line, click
Postcards for Cindy: Vermont
Poet for Peace David Budbill says, "We are going to begin sending postcards
daily to Cindy Sheehan with notes of support. The goal is to have thousands
of postcards arrive daily. Spread the word. Tell a friend, tell 10 friends
and send a postcard today." Send post cards to: Cindy Sheehan,
Crawford Peace House, 9142 East 5th Street Crawford, TX 76638-3037,
August 6-9: Days
of Remembrance and Action, 1945-2005
CORE NUCLEAR WEAPONS SITES ACTIONS California, Nevada, New Mexico, Tennessee
Join with people at four central US nuclear
weapons sites in major actions calling for an end to the development
and production of nuclear warheads. Activities will recognize the devastation
caused by nuclear weapons and memorialize the many victims of bomb production
at every step - from uranium mining to design, to production, to testing
and use. Join the global majority to say NO! to militarism, war and
oppression, and YES! to nonviolence, justice and a more secure world
for all.
August 6 and 9 National Days of Remembrance and Action are coordinated
by: Abolition Now!, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Nevada Desert Experience,
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Pax Christi New Mexico, Oak Ridge Environmental
Peace Alliance, Tri-Valley CAREs, United for Peace and Justice, and
Western States Legal Foundation. see Abolition
of Hiroshima & Nagasaki 60th Anniversary Events
from the National Organization for Women NOW: Save the Court ...
Save Women's Lives!
Your Senators About the Next Supreme Court Justice Women's lives are
at stake. Tell your Senators to oppose any Supreme Court nominee who
would threaten women's rights and civil liberties.
See also Elayne Clift: Saving
the Supreme Court
July 2-6, the Group
of Eight (G-8) wealthy nations will meet in Scotland. International
debt will be on the table.
Action, the oldest organization in the U.S.
working on African affairs urges all "to take action that could
make the difference between achieving 100% cancellation of the debts
of impoverished nations to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and
World Bank or watching as these world leaders shirk their responsibility
to cancel the debt of African nations."
See their alert. Our
resources on the debt issue
Fourth of July, while President Bush and his cronies are out reveling
at patriotic parades and fireworks while ignoring the global impact
of their "shock and awe" policies, we the people won't be blinded by
the dazzling lights of cheap firecrackers and White House photo-ops...
Show your patriotism by observing the 4th in the spirit of our founding
mothers and fathers; by standing up to tyranny. After all America was
born out of rejecting an unjust government… This time let’s get it right
and truly demand liberty and justice for all; not just white men avoiding
taxes. It’s our responsibility to demand that our government recognizes
the rights of the prisoners being held at Abu Graib and Guantanamo Bay
and treat them within the confines of international law. The torture
must stop now!
on how to celebrate.
From Starhawk, actions around the G8 Summit: Cre8
Summit June 12-17
Cre8 Summit has been organised by individuals
wanting to protest 'for' something rather than 'against' the G8. We
are planning to work with the ongoing community protests against the
building of the M74 in Glasgow, in particular the council estates of
Govanhill and Gorbles. The plan for the work is to reclaim a vacant
piece of land that is on site for the construction of the motorway,
and than to turn it into a community social space with gardens, sculptures,
benches, artwork, etc. The work on this project is underway. During
May we will be running weekly workshops with the communities. During
the second week of June, we will reclaim the land (community open day
12th of June) and begin a week of work (from the13-17th of June) to
turn this bit of waste land into something the community can enjoy.
There is an email list that announces news on this project:
you can subscribe here: htt://
March 19th - Worldwide Day of Action
March 19-20 marks the two-year anniversary of the U.S. bombing and invasion
of Iraq. After all of the death and destruction and with the Bush administration
claiming a mandate to continue their war, there's a new urgency and
a stronger determination within the global antiwar movement to bring
the troops home now. CODEPINK
will organize vigils, rallies, marches and nonviolent civil disobedience
throughout the country to call an end to the needless suffering, devastation,
and loss of life. Help us let the Bush administration know loud and
clear the world’s mandate has been and continues to be one of peace.
more $$$ for War! polls in the U.S. show that
a solid majority of Americans—59%— think the troops should come home.
Yet last week, in a vote of 388 to 43, the House of Representatives
approved $81.4 billion to continue funding the war. The Senate will
vote on Iraq war money on April 6.
what CodePink suggests you can do to take action.
critical but easy-to-do actions are
needed this week starting Monday April 11, 8 A.M. EST. Please call the
Capital switchboard at 202-224-3121 and urge your Senator to vote NO!
on TWO important issues:
1) Bush's nomination of John Bolton as US Ambassador to the UN
2) Vote "Not one more dime for war and occupation"
WLOE Alert read:
Canada has its own
Terminator (sterile seed technology) ready to go and is pushing it right
now on the world . . . if interested please forward this as widely as
possible . . . and if you have a few seconds and want to send a form
letter of protest to the Canadian PM, you can find it ready to go at:
Follow-up: reports in Ban
Endures On Terminator Seeds that:
"an international moratorium on the use of controversial "terminator
technology" in genetically engineered crops survived efforts to overturn
it at a United Nations interim meeting on the Convention on Biological
Diversity in Bangkok Friday."
Good news -- maybe all your e-mail protests helped!
Stop the world and change it - on International Women's Day, 8
the Global
Women's Strike:
go on Strike? Women & girls do 2/3 of the world's work, most
of it unwaged. $1 trillion a year is spent on the military worldwide,
more than half by the US. 10% of this would provide the essentials
of life for all: water, sanitation, basic health, nutrition, literacy,
and a minimum income...
Global Women's Strike – End Poverty and War – Invest in Caring
Not Killing! A Living Wage for All our Work & Pay Equity in the
Global Market
Attorney General cannot ignore the laws of our land."
the nomination of Alberto Gonzales for US Attorney General
Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday 2005
Shirley Chisholm, 1924-2005
Archive 2004
Archive 2000-2001